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Yosemite National Park - Photoblog

We (us and the cousin family) decided to go to Yosemite two days ago. It was supposed to be a day trip. We left at 8AM. Wanted to reach by noon, eat lunch near a river or creek, then go on a trail or hike to a place we have not been to, have dinner at curry village, then go up to glacier point for sunset and be back by 1:00 in the night.

It was a nice plan which we did execute till the lunch part. We had to overcome two obstacles.

a. It was free day and that meant an overwhelming crowd and no parking. We searched for parking for approximately an hour and forty minutes. We were this close to giving up and heading back home when we decided to make one last try and miraculously we found parking. It was a good thing we did not give up because we definitely would have missed some great sights.

b. The 0.8 mile hike to the foot bridge at Vernal falls was supposed to be mild difficulty. It was mild for healthy men and women who looked like horses with not an ounce of fat on their bodies and had rippling muscles to show! The me who has not seen any exercise in years and had to hike the paved trail which was at a 60 degree angle was struggling to just keep up.

Again the kids co-operated on flat terrain and protested during inclines. The older kids starting saying things like "my heart hurts" or "my lung aches". We kept promising a most beautiful sight, just like the other parents on the trail. The older kids really enjoyed it when we finally got there but the three/ four year olds were just bummed out.

At one point the little one just lifted her hand heavenward and said "thookie" (lift me). On any day, would just lift her up, give her a big kiss and carry her. Not on this hike. She pleaded and I made the mistake of lifting her. Immediately all eyes were on me. Every parent on the trail promptly reprimanded me indirectly or directly for setting a bad example. All the kids started lifting their hands up and saying "thookie" in their respective mother tongues! Apparently lifting kids on trails like this is banned. I just didn't know.

But we all did pull through to the foot bridge and it was gorgeous. Suddenly there was a cool mist as the river gushed through rocks. There were rainbows everywhere. The temperature dropped a good ten degrees. There was a water fountain and a rest room!

After spending almost a half hour at the bridge, the ladies and kids made their way back to the MIL who wisely stayed put at the trailhead. Balaji and me decided to go on the rest of the trail towards the top of the falls. It was the most exercise I have ever gotten in any two hours but was worth it!

After coming back, have decided to start working out more seriously so more such adventures can be enjoyed without getting bummed out too soon..

The self imposed ban on fries, chips and sodas and the local biking has definitely helped, but not enough to go on hikes. I am very much a work in progress...

On the bright side, I did get creative during the last hike. It was difficult enough to carry my own bodyweight. So ditched the tripod with the ladies and took only the camera and used my hat as a camera stand of sorts for self timer. The iPhone doubled up as a camcorder..

If you go on this hike, take one of those Niagara falls type raincoats with you. Should come in handy to protect the camera from getting wet as you go up.

All said and done, another great local trip.


Reader Comments (5)

super pics!

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSriram

heheh I shouldn't be glad but I am wickedly happy that your group too struggled to go up that hike. God alone knows from where they say it is mild. We could do it only till the top of Vernal falls. I so wanted to see Half Dome but no energy left in me till then. Did you see Glacier Point? We didnt manage to make it there

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoli

how long does it take to drive from cupertino to yosemite?

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLazy Blogger

wonderful pictures. ditch the tripod, carry the LO ... fair trade, I think.

July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLak

Sriram, thanks.

Doli, in another birth maybe we will to till Half dome on that trail.

we did drive back all the way to glacier point to see the sunset

lb, 4 hrs 15 mins. . 3 hrs 45 if you dont mind using a gps and leaving evidence of speeding behind...

lak, thanks. Fair trade I think not.. tripod weighs a pound. little one , although way underweight and off the charts is 29 lbs..

but I get your point.. anyday will ditch the tripod or even the camera for the little one.


July 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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