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Just plain tired..

Somehow feel powerless.

What is the point in working so hard, paying your taxes, voting, trying to be a good citizen when you know that

half of your work goes to fund things you do not support (thanks to tax money),

another tenth of your work goes towards the garbage into unscrupulous hands (your retirement money) and

another thirty percent goes into mortgage at ridiculous rates when there is a whole bunch of guys enjoying free money out there!

Just plain tired..

they might as well give me a ration card and some food stamps. Maybe my health will improve and I will be less stressed out?

Should we even bother to teach our kids to be responsible when the irresponsible seem to have an upper hand today? or should I just ask my kids to just figure out "how to beat the system"?

After leaving you with that thought, really wanted to change the mood of the post with some joke.. but not one comes to mind.

The joke, really is on me!

ps. A friends neighbor (only an aquaintance of mine) has bought three houses with each house being loaned based on previous house with different banks, and has bought two jet skis, a hawaii vacation, rented the entire floor of a San Francisco popular destination for his daughters 16th birthday party (apparently it is a tradition for people from that country) and he has no collateral on anything except the houses because he has no down payment in any of the houses. Dude says he has nothing to lose, considering he has already spent all the money!!!

Bob Dylan's voice echos through my head right now as I go to bed..

When you got nothing, you gott nothing to looooossssse
How does it feeeel
How does it feeeeeeeeeeel

To be on youurrrrr owwn
With no direction hooome
Like a complete unknownnnnn
Like a rollllllllling stonnnnnnnnnnnnnne?


Reader Comments (3)

friend sundar (sorry for the poor mccain imitation there, heh heh*):

my plan would've helped you more than your friend's neighbour.

ok, ok, forget about my plan now. jokes aside, am i glad i don't have friends or friends' neighbours who live the lifestyle that your friend's neighbour does or what. i read enough stories like that on blogs and the media anyway.

just to show that you are definitely not the only responsible one (in terms of responsible spending and reasonable lifestyle) out there who is in trouble, we're most definitely in the same boat (thanks to mr. "100% stocks in 401k" aka me). we've lost nearly a year's salary there. i bet we've got you beat.

- s.b.

* - that, in case you don't remember, was supposed to be in george bush the first's voice.

October 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Very true Sundar. The present scenario makes one feel the need to go those "extra five miles" to just hold on to those ideals of morals and scruples that have been ingrained in us since childhood. Because looking at the situation all around, atleast in the short term, it is the unscrupulous ones who seem to bobbing up like corks.

That said, the most recent menace that is being witnessed, as a direct fallout of the slowdown of the global economy, is the shift of balance in the employer/employee relationship. Employers are definitely doing that extra bit to "exploit" their employees in all ways possible just because they know that under present circumstances, the employees are not going anywhere else.

Yes - life does indeed seem tiring right now :)

October 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGauri

This was the same thoughts that went thru my mind when our Indian govt, waived off the loans given to the farmers. The farmers who paid the loans properly and on time gain nothing, however those who did not pay get it waived off !!! what does this teach people - take lots of loans and never pay them back ?
Kalikalam indeed !!!

October 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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