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We don't want that!

A conversation overheard...

Jr. : Don't paduththy daddy (do not touble daddy)
LO : (nods head vigorously and says) Ok. I know, If we paduththy daddy then he will die and then we will have a new daddy and we don't want that, right ?
Jr. : RIGHT !!

Daddy is a little disturbed right now!

No, this is not aananda kanneer (happy tears) that the girls don't want another daddy or daddy to die!

This is worry that they take it for granted that they will have another daddy? They have picked a non worthy replacement already ?

That is scary!

ps. (for those of you who saw my facebook entry, you should know that this comes at a very disturbing time..).

pps. for those who do not know, a new colleage at work comes to my desk, looks at the first portrait that San and me posed for 10 years ago and says "Hi, you used to be a handsome guy once!".. she said that without any remorse, not batting an eyelid, just matter of fact!! Had no answer to that one...

ppps. for those of you who are wondering where all the hansomeness went, look no further..(one of the photos from that set is at the bottom of this post)..


Reader Comments (3)

ROFL....Ur gals are too cute!!:)...


October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Saw the old pics :)
Aw, don't feel bad daddy - they did admit they didn't prefer the replacement over you :)

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjust another mommy

I seem to be repeating this dialogue quite often these days but "avan avan kavalai...."!! Apt, no? But I cant beleieve the kids actually said that! LOL!

October 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterB o o

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