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Little wishes - updated

The little one has hairy issues. Ever since her first haircut when she was a year old, her hair has not grown back fast enough, at least not to her expectations.

Poor thing keeps asking us to comb her hair, put rubberbands, braid etc. not realizing that there is a 3 inch minimum!

Grandma(originally attributed to mommy) did get this one with great difficulty, and we were all soooo glad! (In this house, we believe in giving credit where it is due!)

Just last week, I had caught the little one in a very thoughtful mood. Unfortunately, she takes after her dad for her looks. But she is 100% girl!! Wants to wear her "pattu paavadai", jewelry, bindi (dot on her forehead), pink slippers, basically the whole gazillion yards!

Maybe she was contemplating "Why is my hair not growing fast enough? Did I inherit that also from my deda?"


Reader Comments (2)

Very cute photos! My kids also constantly worry that their hair doesn't grow fast enough! I have somehow managed to convince them that eating their vegetables properly make their hair grow faster :) I don't know how long this will last though!

August 20, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermnamma

She is looking beautiful in both the photos... Don't worry girly u will have hair curly...

August 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSwatantra

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