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Entries in moustache (1)



Went to the local video store with Jr. and the little one.

Was waiting for the traffic light to turn green, when a biker came and stopped next to us at the light. This was a big white dude in bike shorts, with tattoos all over his arms and legs, multiple earings on each ear, matted long brown hair (Bob Marley style) and a bandana over his head.

Jr. was observing him from the car seat in the back for the entireity of the traffic light cycle and when we started turning, said:

"Daddy, I don't think I have ever seen a woman with a moustache before!"

Her innocence and sincerity in believing that statement, just cracked me up. I had to grab the steering wheel with both hands to steady the vehicle.

"Kuttyma, it is a guy with long hair! Not a woman with a moustache!" I said and she goes: "No daddy, that WAS a woman with a moustache!". We argued this back and forth a few times and I just gave up.

Now we have a latest addition to the list of Santa, Tooth Fairy, Racco the bad Racoon who runs the school for misbehaving kids.....

The moustached woman!
