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Entries in marriage (8)


More on the mystery of how women choose men?

If you have been reading this blog long enough... posted "this" way back in 2007. Little has changed except said Ferrari is now married and we dont see too many photos of his wife in white salwars.. that is a sidebar discussion.

Back to the main theme.. do women choose men because they resemble some early version of their dad.. A version they have of their dad when they were toddlers and consider that the "best possible version of a guy"?

The research is still ongoing. This morning, I went to pick up FIL who arrived from India at SFO. It was hilarious to see him walk out in the same shirt I was wearing. So had to take this picture after coming home!

Yes, my shirt is faded thanks to all the chemicals in the Cupertino water and his shirt still retained a lot of the original color.. but we look like two people who could have played Benjamin Button!

His memory is not that good now. We both got the shirts gifted by my co-brothers dad in Australia a good 8 years ago. It is absolutely cozy and is one of my favorite airplane and rainy day shirts. Apparently FIL likes it for the same reason!

This is scary ladies!


Neeyum Naanum (you and me)

Watched Abhiyum Naanum on DVD. It was a great movie. Came out teary eyed in a lot of places. First real sappy daddy movie to hit the screens in a long time.

Even the big girls were all wiping their tears, possibly thinking about their dads?!

Most of the things in that movie have happened for real in this house. The girls as much as utter a sound, daddy will be right next to them. The alert level in the house for the girls getting hurt is always at Orange, much like the San Jose Airport since a few weeks after 9/11. Daddy is still designing airbags in his sleep that will make sure that there are no scratches on the kids if they get in an accident.

If this movie captured our past and present very accurately, then it is offering a very scary glimpse of the future for daddy.

There is a lot of growing up to do, for sure.

Just remembered this post and the comments that followed! It is not going to be easy for me to see my girls say bye to me.

Funny thing is they already know that they can live without me but it is me who cannot live without them and this theme came as a self realization way before this movie was made!

Hell, I should have scripted this movie. Okay, just kidding..

Those occasional flashes of truth fade into the background in an instant and we are back to the "my child" obsession.

One thing is for sure. I treat my FIL with a lot of respect. He is the only person who could put things in perspective for me when my kids decide to get married. Not my wife, not my parents, not my kids. Only the FIL can give me advice on what it means to become a FIL myself someday.

Maybe he has no profound wisdom to offer me and will brush it aside with stuff like "achcha baba" or "chalta hai" or some such thing which leaves you staring into space going "what was that?" , or maybe he will take me aside and bare his soul on what he was thinking at my wedding....or maybe he will start a school for prospective FIL's and offer coaching classes?

Only time will tell.

Hopefully by that time, this dad will be wiser. One can always hope, no?



TamilNadu on the global news

No..this is not about the guy who got petrol from plants..

This time the email forward making the rounds and being featured on popular blogs is



Vedic hymns, indeed!

The people who wrote the Vedas are probably looking down in disgust..

This also gives a new twist to the south Indian arranged marriage concept!



God, the matchmaker

Sometimes, when I catch a glimpse of my wife, as she is doing something in all seriousness as part of her daily routine, there is this feeling, that is a mixture of elation, pride, thankfulness followed by a flutter that is heartfelt.

There is no valid explanation for why we ended up together, or what makes us tick as a couple or why this woman is my world. That is what makes it all the more interesting. We also have reason to believe that our match was made by the matchmaking Guru himself!

Why does one bring up ones appreciation for his wife or marriage or the matchmaker right now?

The one thing that has kept me deeply distracted from my fathers hospitalization and all the phone calls to India is the visuals and the soundtrack from Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, the latest movie starring one of my all time favorite heroes, ShahRukh Khan.

The story of a boring average man, marrying a vivacious young girl due to fate and chance, trying to win her love by living a double life that is partly his usual boring self and partly his wifes flamboyant wannabe dance partner.

If you read the reviews for this movie, the first thing you will hear is, how lame the heroine must be for not being able to distinguish between her boring husband and her flirty dance partner, essentially the same guy with only a different hairstyle and a pencil thin moustache to disguise him.

You will also read about the stupidity of the hero in trying to test his wife to see if she will chose the boring guy over the dancer because her husband loves her deeply and it is for her to see that love and realize that.

Then the reviews will go on to praise SRK for his acting, the soundtrack, the confidence with which first time heroine Anushka Sharma has acted and danced, the comedy of Phatak, etc.

What is most interesting in this movie is the realism. Okay, realism in an SRK bollywood movie is mostly seen as an oxymoron by most. So, I will have to explain, that too with a personal perspective.

Once upon a time, a young lad who came to the USA about sixteen odd years ago was a hopeless romantic. He did not even know that he was the hopeless romantic type because he had no time for girls or women till then.

One fine day, he started writing poems and started dreaming with his eyes open. As a girl put it, he hit puberty at 22 and went from 16 to 22 in two weeks and still had to learn the difference between love and infatuation. That is when another girl read his poem and quoted a russian saying "good love breeds babies, bad love breeds poems". That just confused him a lot more. He started saying cliches like "Women!"

Being a Ph.D. student, any methodical attempts to systematically understand women, what they want, why they want, how they want, etc. ended up consistantly with singularities, infinite loops, moebius strips and more cliches.

At the same time another profound piece of advice from an elder cousin, "If a girl says she is interested in you, kisses you, even sleeps with you, it still doesn't mean she loves you. It just means she wanted to kiss you or sleep with you!". Hmm, with advice like that, the Ph.D. in love had its graduation date moved indefinitely.

The quest for love or at least a simpler understanding of what consituted love continued. Then came dancing! Ballroom dancing is complicated. The music and the motions are easy, it is the emotions that are difficult minefields.

Once a famous dance instructor, taught a group of dancers a very simple lesson, when we were in the UK for a dance competition. (Yes, you could get paid trips to the UK to compete in dance competitions). He asked all the men and women to line up on opposite sides of the floor. Then the women got to pick a random partner. The men held the women with a single hand hold and the women were asked to move around the men, while still in that hand hold.

He would ask the women to move close in normal hold (1 foot away), then get close within inches of each others face, make the woman move away and turn her back (3 feet away), walk behind the man and around him, etc. etc. He asked the women to describe the emotion they saw on the mens faces, that too after we switched partners a few times.

The statistic was overwhelming. The men smiled when the women drew close and showed sadness when the women went away. They were so transparent! What was really surprising was that the women also smiled when they came closer to the men and stopped smiling when they moved away.

That whole statistic might be skewed by the fact that everyone in that room was a ballroom dancer. It is like looking at a fishbowl and explaining how all fishes like the water, so take it for what it is worth.

Based on that above experiment, one should realize that irrespective of chemistry there is some emotion that comes through in dancing with a partner. To top things off, if that girl happens to be gorgeous, skimpily clad or both, you have to focus on the dancing and tone down on the emoting! That part is easy if you respect the woman. There is no "Rakhi" required!

Is there a higher probability of dance partners falling in love? Maybe, maybe not. Dancing with a person doesn't make you fall in love. Falling in love with a person might make you want to dance! That part comes from the heart. Will swear by it!

After surviving years of dancing with women, with only a few scars in my heart, I did find the one destined for me, far away from a dance floor. To this day, the Mrs. and me have not danced together, although she was my best critic.

When someone goes through an arranged marriage with another person they know very little about, barring a few simple things like

a. a smile that lights you up
b. a voice that sounds soothing
c. gorgeous
d. a dress sense that appeals to you
e. gorgeous
f. come to think of it, really gorgeous
g. shy
h. c., e., and f., all over again...

It takes some time to build that relationship, till you realize one fine day that you are indeed head over heels in love, and it is usually for none of the reasons cited above! One can only give the male perspective here, as the female perspective cannot be found, put in words or explained in any language known to man.

Somewhere in the process of building that relationship as a married man, a "family man", even a hopeless romantic gets so caught up with the daily grind that he can become the boring average person, who simply goes about doing his job, making ends meet, getting into a routine, smug in his knowledge of 1001 things you can do on a silicon wafer or 101 ways to change a diaper.

The romantic streak is still alive, but much like a candle wick sucking on that last drop of molten wax, with the flame barely visible. A flame that barely threatens your fingers and tempts you to extinguish it with a simple squeeze. It is a flame nevertheless and given some more wax it can recreate the magic of what it once was.

There is also something to be said about the tacit understanding that passes for love when two people spend a decade together. There is love in mundane things that are said or done, without being specified explicitly. There maybe some love, even in boredom and monotony.

Rab De, presented all this with an amazing realism. The thing that touched a cord was the difference between explicitly expressed love, the type where a guy gets a chance to sweep a woman off her feet, something that is unique because it is not a daily event, something on a grand scale that can make memories, lasting ones, in sharp contrast to implicit tacit love, that is unsaid, given without any expectations.

Unconditional love that is as true in its abstract grandeur even though it has no voilins playing in the backdrop or firecrackers lighting up the sky. A bond that two people can share in silence, a truth that is self consistant within two souls, without the requirement for any reinforcement from anyone else.

Take heart, for there is hope for boring men, who screamed romance openly a few years ago, but have now been delegated to dishwashing duties and diaper changing and somehow don't say "I love you!" enough times in a 24 hour day, but still have that small romantic spark alive in them.

All it takes is some hair gel, sunglasses, tight fitting clothes, take a chance on your dancing and you too can be Jodi No. 1, as long as the Missus co-operates. If she likes to wear spandex, even better!

Loved this movie, and that was easy being an SRK fan. He consistanly manages to make me teary eyed when it comes to sentimental love stories and his goofiness and dancing are a treat to watch. The music is amazing. Your feet just start moving automatically. In the fourteen times I have heard "Tujh mein rab dikhta hai", got goosebumps all 14 times.

Go see it. Just take the moustache/sunglass part in the same spirit as Lois Lane takes Clark Kent/Superman! and you might come out with a smile on your face, and that flame might flicker and grow slightly bigger.



The null vote

It is time to vote for the next President, a few local government positions, some propositions etc.

The ballot becons and with pen in hand the two voting adults in the house are discussing things, much to the amusement of the non voting adult and the kids!

What is there to discuss?

Yeah sure, the wife saw the last debate and converted to Obama.. She was actually swayed momentarily by the hockey mom earlier with the tongue clicking and cuteness, but somehow the whole stance on education and choice from the "old dude" turned her.

Asked her why Obama appealed to her and the answer was

This guy says "we can do it" and the old guy says "I will do it for you".. Somehow that was perceived as not associating with the voter! Good, good, one more vote is good..

Now, that said, what is there to discuss?

Proposition 8, of course. Last week there was a huge rally at the local public park with a few thousand red T-Shirts with placards saying "Marriage is one man one woman", Vote yes on 8 , Honk if you agree etc..

People drove by honking or giving their finger to the crowd which was 99% asian (mostly Chinese, vietnamese looking folk) who make up a majority in cupertino and my guess is that they are all very religious church going folks. There were even some local groups sporting church paraphranelia.

In any case, a middle aged white man approached us and said "you are registered voters , yes?" and we said "yes" and he went on to ask us about India, which part, etc. etc. and said "please vote yes on 8 or we lose our values".. they will start teaching our kids in kindergarten that it is okay for a guy to marry a guy!

"our values"?!? But we hardly met!

Now lets look at reality here and try to answer some of these questions..

a. What percent of the population is gay?

b. Do the gay population have a choice in being gay?

c. Is this really about kids being taught in kindergarten that "guys can marry guys"?

d. Would that really change a straight child from turning gay or if not not taught, change a gay child from becoming gay?

e. Are there straight and gay children?

f. At what age does a child know a preference? (if you read Desmond Morris's "the naked ape" which I think is a fantastic anthropology book for novices, you will find that most humans go through a hate-love-hate phase.. initially boys find girls yukkie, then they bond a lot with boys, then they suddenly find girls attractive)

g. What percentage of the teaching population is gay?

i. How many teachers will actually bother to mention to the students (especially in kindergarten) about sex?

j. How many will further venture to the topic of same sex?

k. What are the chances of any of the books explicitly dedicating a paragraph or a chapter to same sex marriage?

l. How much do our students listen to their teachers?

m. What has any of this got to do with marriage?

n. Is marriage "one man one woman" or does it get expanded to "one man one woman at a time"? or "one woman one man at a time"?

o. Wasn't the whole idea to give equal rights like (emergency room visitation, legal custody, will and testament stuff, family health insurance, transfer of assets on death etc.) to gay couples?

p. What if the dude who came and told me about "our values" has a teenage kid who he does not know is gay, yet?

q. Doesn't cupertino have the higest local population with at least a M.S.degree or higher in every household?

r. How come that population is not able to rationalize the reasoning behind prop 8?

s. How come the dude was able to scare my wife to believe that somehow our kids would be turned gay by their kindergarden teacher and her dreams of having grandkids were trashed momentarily?

t. If cupertino has this fate, what chance does this proposition stand elsewhere?

u. Why is this more important than my 401k?

v. What of the poor gay couple who have lost all their 401k?

w. Why is the default "yes" on this proposition a vote against civil rights?

x. Why should anyone who thinks that same sex couples should have rights be branded as gay, or less macho, or be branded as "value less"?

y. Didn't they have rallies like this a hundred years ago saying "vote yes" for women not to have voting rights?

z. Didn't they have similar rallies fifty years ago saying "vote yes" so blacks cannot vote?

aa. Is California ready for that level of tolerance?

ab. Does this have anything to with a blue vs. red state or it is a different demographic that drives this?

ac. Should I stop now?

My brain is doing 400 GHz again. Need to go stick in the refridgerator..

Last time it was a null vote in this house for Hillary vs. Obama.

This time it might be a null vote on prop 8!

I leave you with lots of questions, no good answers.

Tomorrow is another day.
