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Entries in havenots (1)


The have's and the have nots!

In a strange dream concocted by lingering memories from the previous day, I may have found some correlations, which may not be worth much. It does make one question the law of averages!

In many companies that I know (personal experience or through friends and relatives), they tend to have an evaluation of employees (or ranking) and based on the ranking the top performers, the average and the bottom lists, are generated. The top get rewarded during the good times and the bottom get shafted during the bad times.

Imagine this being extrapolated to every company, every employee, be it the public or private sector, across countries. In a way this happens wherever there is capitalism. (Socialist, communist people may not be going through this. Guessing that based on my two month stint in a Durgapur Steel Plant two decades ago!)

Then no wonder there is a shortage of basic amenities in poor countries while there is wastage in other nations.

In a simple boolean representation of the three basic amenities aka food, clothing and shelter (my mom taught me that they are the 3 basic ones when I was a little kid, she did not teach me boolean stuff)

case shelter clothing food have
1 0 0 0 havenot
2 0 0 1 havesome
3 0 1 0 havesome
4 0 1 1 average
5 1 0 0 havesome
6 1 0 1 average
7 1 1 0 average
8 1 1 1 have

In companies it is usually the top and bottom 10% or in some cases top and bottom 15% that is considered as the people to be rewarded or reprimanded.

It looks like in the real world case also the top 12.5% are the haves, the bottom 12.5% are the havenots and in between we have the average folks who have 2/3 and the havesomes which are closer to the havenots who make up another 37.5%.

This kind of explains why the poor countries cannot afford to buy food and feed their people or provide shelter for the disaster hit! They have been given poor performance reviews in a capitalistic world! while the rich countries waste food, buy clothes they dont need because it is on bargain sale, and keep remodeling their shelters at exhorbitant costs!

This may not be profound or anything, but the world seems to be running much like a large corporation and not much can be done about it.As a people, as a country, as a group, you are better off if you are in the top 1/8th as long as the world runs on moolah!

The hamster in my head is overheating. Time to catch some sleep!
