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Entries in dragon (2)



The video says it all..

That was a Sumeet Mixie going off in the middle

Thinking and typing is very much different from thinking and speaking. The split second before your hand types the words, the brain is able to make last minute corrections to what you type. If you talk and think faster than you type, it can be an issue..I am going to call it the "persistence of typing"!

Now, seriously, I want to be able to type or say : followed by ) and get a smiley face emoticon on the screen....


ps. It is obvious by now that I am bored out of my mind!



Dragon software

This is a video blog, of how the Dragon software works.

Even with the thick Indian accent, it is able to identify what I'm saying, with hundred percent accuracy.

My co-workers think I have gone complete bonkers...

They now hear me punctuating my sentences as I appear to be talking to myself.

The left hand hurts a lot less now without all the typing!

Viva Dragon!

ps. video by Sangeetha, who is very much amused by my coming alive after purchasing this...
