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Entries in agreements (1)


I need a day off

Imaginary conversation (that could be very real)

Me: I need a day off tomorrow

Boss : Why?

Me: have to download an iPhone app.

Boss :??!! so? download it. why a day off?

Me: I tried to download it and it says "Apple terms and conditions for iTunes have changed. You have to agree to new terms"..

Boss: so agree and download

Me : It is a 72 page document and I am on page 1 reading about "one click" which belongs to Amazon. have long ways to go.. it says I have to READ and UNDERSTAND and AGREE to the terms before downloading a Flickr app..

Seriously, it is a 72 page document that has to be read and understood before we Agree.

How many iPhone/iTunes users would have actually read this thing, leave alone understand it before agreeing to the terms?

why cannot apple have a voice recorded version of this document? it is faster to listen to 72 pages being read than having to read it, no?

the world becomes sillier by the day..
