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Total cost of stuff to make all the crunchies you see here? 10 $

Total cost of medicines and followup dental treatments ? 100 $

Dreaming of going back to your crunchy diet and drooling while the anesthetic wears off ? Priceless !!!


Reader Comments (4)

Brilliant! How are you now? Waisey, crunchies shouldn't lead to dental trouble, no?

February 11, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdipali

rotfl!! you remind me of the doordarshan advertisement of the pahalvaan who does not use 'colgate dantmanjan' ;-)

- s.b.

p.s.: spent 10 minutes searching for it, but could not find it. maybe one of your other readers can find it ...

February 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

whoops! that comment did not come out right :-(. what i meant was that you mastercard ad was funny, not the fact that you had toothache (i know how that is ... more like rotfc not rotfl).

- s.b.

February 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

dipali, doing okay now. still not eating crunchies.. but much better. no pain. no swelling. back to my normal self. I become mad at everyone and everything when fighting toothache and even my own kids want to leave me "alone".. we are back to being huggy kissy now.

s.b. remember the ad vividly! it had tamil dubbing with bad lip synch.


February 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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