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When your kid takes over your iPhone

At work, I use notes app in my iPhone to take short notes and that way I don't have to carry my laptop around.

Wanted to go back to my notes two days later and was surprised to find out that most of my notes were edited by the little one!

In fact she had inserted words into some of the notes.

Apparently she has decided to use that as her journal of sorts!

found this gem.

Apparently she wrote that when she was angry that I was still working when she bugged me to get off the laptop. Well the rest of the notes are kind of a cross talk like thing where serious work meets serious anger. So cannot share them..

She is also into writing letters now. She writes as she hears and it is interesting to watch her spelling patterns. We are going through this after a three year gap and it is giving us a deja vu feeling..

She does not like it when we correct her spelling, because she is so sure she is right. That is the only difference between the two kids, but a big one!

She makes up for her stubborn nature when she dresses up and poses..

We are now into matching sunglasses!

The little one is going to be a lot more difficult to handle than Jr. That is for sure!


Reader Comments (1)

She may use this as secret coding technique in future :)

September 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPoorani

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