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« Playing with HDR on a saturday morning | Main | I am daddy »

The break..

It has been more than 10 days since I even came to check blogger. That should tell you something about how busy life has become after the return from Austin last weekend.

Work is busier than ever for the parents and school is picking up speed for the kids.

Thankfully they have become more responsible and have been at their best behavior in the last 5 days!

They are also understanding to the work constraints of daddy and mommy and that brings a tear to my eyes.

On the plus side the news is slowly breaking into a different pattern..

People have stopped hyping Mankaatha..
more folks have reverted back to their original photos instead of Anna Hazare in the last week and yes..
US Manufacturing (a favorite pet peeve) is in the limelight albeit for notorious reasons with Solyndra being raided by FBI!

The times, they are a changing!

To forget all of this the plan for this weekend is to pick up the camera and do something fun and get the kids involved as well..

Maybe HDR photos of Maggi noodles as they are cooking?


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