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Birth certificate..

Was pop quizzing my mom over the phone about her birth certificate.

Her response "You have to go ask the midwife who delivered me for a birth certificate. there was no record keeping then. I was born in our ancestral home! The only thing I have is my high school certificate which mentions my date of birth"

Now how do people who try to process permanent residency for their old parents deal with this?

If you have been through this please let me know what to do!


Reader Comments (6)

uh oh! is the indian passport not sufficient?

we are exploring starting the same process ourselves. how do you take care of the medical stuff? for some reason, i thought that you were planning to relocate yourselves!!

- s.b.

August 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Go to your mom's place of birth and get a certificate from vo or thasildar stating that birth certificate is not available. That's all. Easier said than done though. Call me if u need more details

August 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterYaadayaada

The Indian embassy can provide you with a non availability of birth certificate certificate. That is what I did. Also, can get the same from the district office where she was born. The first option is easier.That takes some time and you need to know the right people.

August 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMunimma

The last line was for the second option. :-) if that was not clear. I did that too as a backup.

August 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMunimma


Yaada Yaada is right. we did exactly that for my mil.. also to prove that she was married to my fil we had to get 2 affidavits from her sister and my fil's brother...its a long process - Good Luck..mil's green card is finally approved. if you want any help let me know in this comment section. I will send you an email with my phone number. My husband is the current GC expert in our family circle :)

Sujatha Ramesh

August 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

If your mother has any older relatives, you can get an affidavit attesting to her being born to her parents (names needed), on date, place etc.


August 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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