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« Global Winter Wonderland | Main | Christmas 2011 »

Numerology gone too far?

We ran out of Appalam (papad)and was asked to go get one from the new stock. Grandpa had recently replenished the stock of Appalam on his November visit.

Was surprised to find the usual "Ambika" brand replaced by this one..

If Lord Krishna has this fate with his name changed, thanks to Numerologists, you should not be surprised to see me change my name to Soondaar Naarayenin..

Maybe the person who sent me that mail saying Mohammad Narayanan, my brother from some Aaafrican republic has passed away and has left me close to a million dollars did spell my name with numerology in mind?

One cannot help but think along those lines...

On a side note, the Applam is not that great and gets a passing grade.


Reader Comments (1)


Ora diya kadhai vidathunga. Some one has been fooled and got you the Mahakrishna Appalams instead of Ambika Applam. Ambika Applam still remains with their office / depot in Mylapore and T Nagar and else where. See http://ambikaappalamdepot.com/about/
You dont have to change your name and neither have Ambika done that. Rest assured you have a beautiful name - christened by your parents

Have a nice holiday. Buy another packet of Ambika Applams and enjoy the new year !!

December 26, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRamakrishnan Au

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