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« Saturday morning, mini idlis, TV, sunlight dancing - photoblog | Main | Time lapse »

Size matters

Came home and tried to engage both kids at the same time.

The little one having spent the last two days pretty much in bed with me all afternoon was missing me terribly. Well, when one gets better, one has to go to office, no?

Told her to draw something for me while Jr. and me were going over math.

LO : I am going to draw our whole family!

Me : good.

LO : So far I have drawn daddy and mommy.. next I will draw Akka (jr.), then me then Paati (grandma)

Me : (was looking at it from a distance) why do I have long hair?

LO : No.. that is mommy. This is you!

Me : bring it here.. show it to me..

Me : so why am I smaller than Amma?

LO : (gives me a sheepish grin) Oh that? This is a picture of you when you were a small boy and this is a picture of Amma when she is already grown up.

To save face at that point, the conversation was stopped.. next thing you know my growing up will be highlighted with a bar graph or pareto chart...


Reader Comments (2)

yes, until the bar graph and the pareto chart come out, enjoy the shrinkage and dive into the height !


May 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

There has to be a deep meaning to this! Maybe even your kids perceive you as the eternal child:)

June 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterdipali

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