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Exploding at the gates

Was driving to work this morning listening to the news. The Winter Olympic reporting was going on.. and in every alternate sentence..

Shaun just exploded from the gates

Lyndsay just exploded at the start..

What is going on with every Olympic gold medal winner either exploding at the gates, being explosive at the start or just having an explosion?

Way too many Iraq Green Zone reporters now at the Olympics and they cannot get over their old style?!


Reader Comments (2)

All is fair in love and war. And the olymypics is about love for sport and country. Well, on that count, war is sport too !

February 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKavi


cricketers can explode too!

"McCullum became the second-highest scorer in a Twenty20 international with an unbeaten 116, but after Michael Clarke and Cameron White exploded in the reply the scores were tied at 214 after 40 overs. "

that reminds me - are you still a cricket sanyasi or have you returned to the fold?

- s.b.

February 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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