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Senthilian economics

You have all heard of terms like Keynesian economics and the likes, but what in Goundamani's name is Senthilian economics?

Well, it is a sign of the times!
This video (with subtitles!), explains how the United States got the world in this mess!

Senthil shows one banana and accounts for two. The people who "created" wealth in the United States (the same ones who are getting the millions in bonuses for creating said wealth) used one dollar and accounted for it 30 times!

Chances are they learnt the trick from watching this video..

Some smoke, lot of mirrors, one buck reflected thirty times across multiple mirrors..

The bonuses for the guys who sell one dollar with all those mirrors is the real dollar!

We live in funny times.


Reader Comments (1)


nice video. why did senthil run away from all those "taxpayers" who were keen on offering him a bonus? ;-)

- s.b.

March 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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