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Trying to make a birthday gift..

Was practicing a song on the guitar to play to San as a birthday gift. My trusted aid for this kind of secret activity is Jr.

However the little one cannot stand having anyone else in front of the video camera these days...

My grandma used to complain that her singing came to an end after I was born! Used to think maybe there was a curse on me and that is why any attempt to sing seriously would stop after a year max!

Now, I say the same thing that my grandma used to say. You can see for yourself what I possibly did to grandmas music sessions based on what the little one is doing to me.

Did you see how she sang "should I off your plug.. should I off your plug.." to the same tune?

So much for all that practice.

Sangeetha heard it and said "nice.. still needs more polishing"!

We will keep the polishing going till next year.

Kids, what can we tell you?!

ps. A akka gets the credit for playing this on Piano..figured out the notes from her piano playing and used my cheat sheet.


Reader Comments (2)

I must say nice composition!! Though i could not understand but still liked the music!!

Happy Birthday to San!!

December 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSwatantra


i was trying to sing along 'happy birthday to you' to the tune of your guitar. that worked, to a limited extent, but none of the other words matched up (if only i had read your post properly and known that you were playing a different song ... duh!!).

little one did exceptionally well in her cameo "plug" number. i preferred that to "la la la" because it was impromptu! :-)

and yes, happy birthday to san, of course!!

- s.b.

December 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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