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Barking dogs and curry plants

A joke my dad would tell us (which I did not understand for a long time as a kid)...

Two men are standing at the gate outside a house, where there is a dog in plain sight.
Man 1: Look the dog is barking loudly. Don't you know the saying "Barking dogs Seldom Bite!". Open the gate and go in!
Man 2: You know that, I know that. Does the dog know that?

Something similar happened in our house recently. We have been taking care of a "curry leaf" plant for the last six months. Prior to this plant, we had three curry plants (all about 3-4 inches tall) which were brought all the way from Houston, Texas. After taking care of those plants for a full three years (shuttling it indoors in the nights and in winter to avoid killing them when temperatures go below 60F!), we managed to grow them to a full 4-5 inches! Not kidding you here. Do not know the magic formula for growing a curry plant.

The latest plant has grown a full 2 inches in six months and that is refreshing. We water the plant sparingly, don't put anymore tea leaves into the pot, give it a dash of Miracle grow, etc. etc. The plant gets better treatment than the people, fishes in the house. Even Jr. and the little one remind the adults to keep the plant in the sun during the day and bring it inside the house during the night.

San came to the kitchen this morning beaming. She was also humming some tunes. On questioning her, it came to light that she had been singing to the most pampered person in the house, the curry plant!

She had heard that singing to plants makes them grow better. My response was "You know that and I know that, but does the plant know that?"

Then I thought "Oh my god, she is singing in aba-swaram! (off key). What if the plant does hear her song and wilt or die?" and went on to find out that I had been thinking aloud!

Let us just say that the comment was not received very well and lot of amends had to be made!

Did I tell you that I am married to a nightingale?


Reader Comments (3)

My kids shut me up when I sing- I have perfect pitch inside my skull, but not outside. But heaven help anyone who says so. My total empathy with San!

April 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdipali


the love these plants get.
My aunt knowing her singing talent talks to her jasmine plant that she smuggled from us to Germany.

April 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSivajini

Considering that your commends had you to make an effort to make ammends...i just would like to say that plants too face the music at times !!

April 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKavi

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