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Links to the past

"Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 key words given (family, friend, yourself, your love, anything you like)."

Family -
The only lyric I wrote on this blog..

Friend -

have a lot of them.. but the one dude who defines the word for me, the one dude who I meet less often for shorter times.. is the one drinking Chai with me in this post! If you are reading this, you know I am pissed that you never called me during Thanksgiving break, when I know you were supposed to visit your sis...The other fellows in the picture are equally loved. well almost equally!

yourself -

one of my best photoblogs ever..

your love -

San.. San.. San.. definitely San.. way more than the little cuties! You can wake me up at 3:00 AM and ask me...it will be San..Something about the way she fights with me and how at the end of the fight, I just can't be mad at her and for some strange reason, she almost always looks adorable!

anything you like -

nostalgia. . ah, the good ol' days!

Tagged by Boo..

The tag also says...

"Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better."

You know me better. I pick up tags if they are interesting, but never pass them on! As usual, this tag stops here.


Reader Comments (1)

Good to see the links from the past. The nostalgia post - sigh! Train trips are the most dear to me. Chennai-Delhi GT express hold so much fun memories for me!!

Thanks for taking up the tag and I get my very own label "boo" too?! Cool! :)

February 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterB o o

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