The budding Doctor

Jr. accompanied me to the Doctor's office on Wednesday. Was feeling miserable with cold, sore throat, loose stomach and was facing near system shutdown. So took off work in the afternoon and went staight to the doctor, with Jr. in tow because she also had similar symptoms.

The doc. wrote down a page full of notes after asking me questions and then gave me mostly Over The Counter medicines and lots of advice.

Jr. came away much impressed with the doctor's note taking skills and she played doctor at home with her sister.

Today we happened to see her notes and were rolling on the floor laughing, so we decided to share the budding doctor's notes with all of you.

Jr.'s spelling is improving significantly, although she still spells some words as she hears them. Cannot blame her if she spells "Docter" because that is how most Desi's pronunce it!

For clarification (based on Jr.'s input)

Had flews = Had Flu
she / he feiles happy = he / she feels happy
We have no idea what Clifford the big red dog or Emily Elizabeth are doing in that notes!
Bathroom a lot! (you got that right!)
diriya = diarrhoea
elbo peain = elbow pain

we have no clue what the rest of the stuff is.. especially the "answer me please" part.. must be part of the doctor asking me to be a little more responsible!

The final part about the present, we understand. Irrespective of who is sick, the kids get a lollipop and sticker. They don't like the lollipop and throw it after one lick. Still they get it! This is as bad as people who don't like Panjamrudham wasting it outside the Pazhani temple..

We are all feeling better now after taking the skunk medicine!
