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Our way of life

The person who came up with this concept of "our way of life" was a genius.

When a politician comes up with a statement "this threatens our way of life", everyone does not pay attention to the "our".. they think "my"!

Everyone reacts in a way as to preserve what they hold dear as values, be it ones ability to shoot and kill animals, other people, desecrate the environment, their views on marriage, life, religion, etc.

Today a vice presidential candidate is hinting that a presidential candidate is a terrorist.. and it is not a subtle hint. It is almost an accusation!

Somewhere in the middle of her accusation is a logic that,

all muslims are terrorists!

Okay, I do concede that she has had to deal a lot with "all white trash are stupid", but, but, but, ....

is this not going too far?

again, I know, I know.. how far is too far? For someone who can go a long way to "nowhere", too far is going nowhere!

Really scared about my kids future now! We have dual citizenship and both places seem to be going nowhere. Is there a country out there that has a majority of the populace that is actually not bigoted, tolerant and has some collective sense when it comes to getting things right?

Now, if there is a majority of people in this country who subscribe to the "all muslims are terrorists" theory, then there is NO hope for not just the USA but for the world, going forward. Also they have apparently redrawn the voting lines based on statistics that go down to the individual house in some areas in the country during the last eight years. It is going to be very interesting.

India : USA :: Ramadoss : Sarah Palin

Now you get the picture?

ps. Got the link to NYT article via Laks.

Reader Comments (2)

"Is there a country out there that has a majority of the populace that is actually not bigoted, tolerant and has some collective sense when it comes to getting things right?"

iceland comes to mind! ;-)

- s.b.

October 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Iceland has politics too. Politics and the common cold are the same. The more you talk about it the more there is to talk.

Very contagious indeed.


October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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