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Video Blogs made easy

Now that Blogger has introduced the instant video uploader (like the photo uploader), I am giving it a shot now.. I will fail in my duty as a technologist if I do not attempt to use cool stuff that gets unleashed on drooling engineers. So here goes..

Hope this works. By the way, after my wife sees this video, this feature might become moot for this blog! My first video blog in pre Youtube days took 3 hours to make and upload. With Youtube, it was 5-10 minutes.

Now it is 2 mins!!

Tell me if you like this..


Reader Comments (2)

Dear Mr. Sunder, nice postings. Could you please email me how i can upload videos. I tried 2 to three times, but ended up getting errors.
Best regards,
Ramesh Menon
Abu Dhabi

August 27, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTeam 1 Dubai


I am switching back to Youtube.. this blogger video is not as friendly when it comes to volume control or seeing the video full screen..


August 28, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterSundar Narayanan

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