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Recalls, by the millions!

Terri, pointed out that the Pooping Doggie with Barbie has been recalled!

I had listened to an NPR report yesterday about the Mattel recall, but did not realize that the amazing pooping dog was part of it! (note, I had recently complained about these "Made in China" toys!!)

Thank you Terri.

Now, to implement the recall in the house, we have been searching for the barbie, the dog, the poop and the scooper and have not found them yet! We got it as a gift, but still, the damn toy and the pieces just disappered!

The kids usually have blank looks when we ask them "where did that toy go?".

They recalled it faster than Mattel!

I am going to have to put transmitters into the toys just to see where they disappear.


Reader Comments (3)

We've also conveniently lost all the miscellaneous parts except for Barbie and the dog (minus one ear). I hope the kids haven't swallowed them.

August 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterTerri

I've notify my friend about these -- he has a year old boy. I saw the dog (and poop) toy y'day at their place.. thanks!

August 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterGopinath Sundharam

Hello Sundar, Sometime last yeat I came across your blog site and have visited it several times sine. Nice since we moved to the Bay area recently. Maybe I will meet you and your family sometime. Reagrds to your wife. Nirmala

August 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

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