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Viva Microsoft-eeee!

The BIL gave me a gift.. well two gifts actually!

He got me a Zune player from the Microsoft store!

It has like 30 GB, plays music, videos, pictures, has a built in radio!

He also gave me more than 1900 songs including all the Tamizh and Hindi oldies from his CD collection!

Ooo laa laa...

Have been playing with the Zune.. so no time to blog. Will complete my unfinished post once I am all set with the player.

In other news, here is an evening conversation:

Me: do you know any songs?
Little one : Yesh!
Me : sing a song for me
Little one : tee tee tee joti joti joti
Me : !!!!!!!!!!!!

I was expecting something more along the lines of twinkile twinkle or baa baa black sheep!! Should have seen this coming..


Reader Comments (1)

That was so cure of little one! lol!

October 4, 2007 | Unregistered Commenteryaadayaada

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