You happy mommy ?

This photo blog is an attempt to make my mommy happy...

After all, it is devoted to the changing face of her darling baby,

ME, ME, ME, ME, ME !!

Why this post ? My wife and mother in law are pretty sure that the baby takes after me. I dont have a big photo collection in the US (all my photos are in India).. but based on the limited collection, I was trying to rummage through, here is to ME !

At 4 months, taken from the standard "first baby photo" , the Indian style , where they take the naked kid and put him on a table !!

At 15 months, when I could pose on my own. My brother wasnt born yet. This is probably the best photo of my childhood, unfortunately I found it termite ridden on my India trip in 1998.. took a photo copy..

At 3 1/2 years, from a photo taken with my brother at my Iyaa Anna (cousin's) wedding. I think it was in Vijayawada.. dont remember..

At 5 years, after my sister was born. Taken from the first photo of the three of us..

At 8 years, taken from the first photo by a camera owned by a family member. My Soonji chittappa (uncle) surprised us all by buying a black and white camera in those days !! The concept of owning a camera was so alien to the family.

At 10 years, chitappa had a few negatives left. so he called us to pose on the parapet wall when it was just getting dark. still remember that day !

At 13 years, after a serious skin problem left me near dead. My recovery was a miracle (one of the reasons why I write posts on the eastern occult !!). Eastern medicine and orthodoxy cured me when Allopathic medicine left me for dead (they gave me three months to live !).

At 14 years, weak and still wearing glasses, but recovering nicely and going back to school. (these are all school Identity card photos)

At 15 years, ready to go face life beyond high school. This photo was taken for the IIT entrance exam application.

At 16, just in college and forced to shave by my seniors as part of the hazing !!

At 18, ready to see life beyond Undergraduate degree, this was the photograph for the GRE and TOEFL test applications. Looking very much a product of Uttar Pradesh than Tamil Nadu ! Must be all that Tea from Bihari's chai shop..

At 20, after coming to the US of A, going for a John Lennon look and ending up like Yanni !!

At 22, first trip back to India. Off comes the long hair and into a suit. The photo was taken from a nice sibling photo taken by a professional photographer who happens to be dad's friend.

At 25, the moustache comes off thanks to dancing days. This photo was taken at a Christmas treat, by my friend Alana's mom. She always used to piss her daughter off by saying " I wish I had, had sundar for a son !!". Was the good boy graduate student !!

At 27, married for a year and very happy. Photo taken from a professional portrait.

At 30, a new daddy. This photo taken from the day we named the first kid ..

At 33, the latest taken two weeks ago at bloggers meet, daddy of two now !!

And yes, my baby does look like a mini me !! It has been a wild ride for this face folks.. Hope my daughter puts up a blog like this 35 years from now !!

ps. All the original photos are not being linked or posted because the other people in the photo will be up in Arms !! But some are too good not to post..

Hope you enjoyed it folks !! It was fun doing this post..