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Sundar Narayanan's Travelog

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Entries in nature (13)


Birds and the bees...

A misleading title for this post!

This is a photoblog of the animals, birds, flowers from the recent Route 1 trip...

It was interesting to say the least...

Seagulls white, brown, Pelicans, Pelicans, more Pelicans, seals, sealions, bunch of cactus (have never seen these before)...

There were some other birds by the sea. Crmorants, falcons, slender legged birds with long curved beaks, too fast or too far to capture on camera!

I never knew there was this much to see. Realized that having your eyes open and seeing are two different things!



Mono Lake

A truly breathtaking view of the lake from the visitor center. You can see the volcanic origins of the lake, the tufa towers, the rock that looks like it is moving (because it is full of gulls jostling for space) and the clear blue alkaline waters.

The water that collects in the lake becomes more and more alkaline as it dries off.

That is the reason only the alkali flies, brine shrimp and california gull are the only things that survive in this environment.

I would love to continue uploading pictures, but blogger gives me an error.

Will try to post a flickr link...

Feeling better now after a days rest. Also saw that SS tagged me. Should probably take a month to work on that one!



Bisons Bisons Everywhere..

A long trip with some flying, lots and lots (days!) of driving and some amazing sightseeing!

Well, vacation is almost over and in a few hours we should be back to the old routine!

I am sure there will be many a photo/videoblog with our latest travels.

Here are some Trailer photos, from Yellostone National park.

Watching a herd of Bisons cross the river was one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen.

Waterfalls and hot springs galore

Finally the two little bear cubs..

We will have more photos and videos over the coming weekend.


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