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Entries in exercise (10)


Experiments with self

Now we have 25 sickness free days (an all time record for the month of March especially since this Blog is a living record).

Facebook has not been touched.

Blogger has been visited twice in 20 days.

The average sleeping time has increased from 5 hours per weekday to 7 hours per weekday.

There has been at least one fruit included in the daily diet. No coffee for the last 25 days. Maximum one glass of tea per day (1/2 cup in morning and evening.. sometimes switched to Horlicks). Fried stuff has been knocked down to a minimum in the daily diet.

There has been at least one shower a day (yes.. shocking as it may seem there was no time for showers or shave on some hectic days in the past)

Now, there is one other addition.

Bikram Yoga for the last 25 days. We (the MIL and me) have been attending a 90 minute hot yoga class every morning from 5:30 to 7:00 for 25 of the last 26 days!

That means we get up at 4:45 and take off. Neither of us were sure if we will continue after the first ten classes but the changes in the body and mind after ten days in the torture chamber were obvious.

People at work who first saw me after 4 days said things like :

Are you wearing makeup? your face is very clear and fair now!
You are very calm instead of your usual trigger happy self. What is going on?
You seem to be very stoic and are quiet in meetings? Are you quitting?
Looking very happy? What is going on? and it was anyone who had not met me in days or weeks.

Had lunch with an old colleague last week (we met after a year) and he said "you somehow look younger this year than last year in-spite of wearing glasses!"

The change was noticeable on the inside as well. There was a feeling of lightness all around, a freshness that hasn't been felt since sitting in that hot spring in Manali last year and a self check mechanism every time the mind was about to launch into an expletive or two be it work related or with the wife and kids at home.

The question that is being asked by some close folks is "Are all these changes because of the Yoga or because of all the other changes like good food, more sleep etc.?"

The answer is definitely "Bikram Yoga". All the other changes and the discipline to make those changes are a direct result of the Yoga class.

Initially there was skepticism about the Hot Hatha Yoga because of what we read on the internet about Bikram Choudhury and the Hot Yoga. For every 10 positive articles there is some gripe about how this is not proven by western medicine etc. etc. After a friend successfully checked this out in Seattle, we went to check out the local studio and see for ourselves.

This is an amazing treat that one can give to ones body and mind.

Have lost 9 lbs in the last 25 days, have a much smoother softer skin. Have had one knee sprain last week (because of overdoing a stretch.. all my doing not the Yoga's) which has since healed by going back into the hot room.

Jr. and the little one cannot stop smelling me. Apparently daddy smells real nice after a shower post Yoga sweating! Even the kids in Tamil school complimented me on how nice Teacher is smelling!

Planning to do this at least 7 times a week from now on. This is the best thing that happened to me since the little one's birth...

A big thanks for this new found happiness goes to the MIL. She joined with me to help her broken ankle mend (while my broken hand builds strength) and even if I felt down on day 2 and 3 and was about to call it a day, she dragged me to class and made sure that I don't quit.

Long live Bikram Choudhury. He has definitely given me a new look at my body, mind and spirit and a second chance at living a contented life.

ps. Do not be intimidated by the fact that you have a big round belly and everyone in the class looks like a cross between Zeus and Urvashi. Just keep trying to do the routine in class and everything else fades away.. including your belly!




"Finally after 10 days... Camel!"

Few will understand the profoundness of that statement.

Let us just say that we are now counting :

10 sickness free days
two weeks where work has been kept to a 60 hour/week maximum
food is being watched and taken on a fixed schedule three times a day
once a day exercise session

feeling a nice calm!

More later when I get into a set routine...



Six pack Sundar

Yes.. it can happen someday

even with a veggie diet!

There is always the starting trouble.

Then there is the dedication thing..

If it survives all that, there will be the occasional bugs from Jr. and little one that will demoralize and derail the whole exercise program and make one think "why do I even try?"

Still... still... there are those who inspire and encourage!

The family of course would like me to just get the six pack done surgically so no time is taken away from them.

If Jr. and the little one can be made to start working out with me? Make it an activity?

What then?

For starters going to take the "before" picture today..

6 months.. 6 days a week exercise.. 6 pack..

The devil cometh!

The worse thing that can happen is that the after picture looks just like the before picture, but we have plenty of experience dealing with that disappointment!



Bike rides

Now that the whole family is chipping in to make daddy healthy again, we have a routine. Mom drives the kids to some local park while daddy gets to bike to the same park, spend some time there and bike back. If daddy is too tired, they just throw the bike in the van and everyone drives back.

We did this four times in the last seven days. While most of the parks are only 1.3-2.5 miles away, it was still an ordeal for the biker since he was so badly out of shape and was still on steroids. (there was an advice from the doctor to not have any heavy exercise till the end of the dose)!

Now that the tablets are all over, today the family decided to go from Cupertino to Sunnyvale to visit Ortega park. Daddy made it in one piece after driving almost 8 miles.

On the one hand it is a crying shame, that a guy who, just six years ago, had a wolf stomach, and was athletic enough to win dance competitions, is now declaring that he is happy enough to be able to bike eight miles on local roads. This is just a start! Hope is that some day, this post will be looked back and laughed at, when the eight mile drive is a breeze.

On the other hand, this post is a reminder to all those who in the name of other priorities, forget to exercise, then blame it on kids, work, lack of time, stress or whatever other creative reasons they can come up with, only to realize late in the game that they only have themselves to blame for their poor health!

Don't wait for the clouds to open and an "Asariri"(oracle, voice from heaven) to come and tell you to start exercising again! It is really not worth the wait.

The side effects of the drugs have all been right on, when it comes to what the pamplet said. Euphoria, insomnia, rage, weird hair growth, depression, hyperactivity, etc. etc. The whole gamut of what one can put a family through, in the name of a cure! San and the girls were prepped though, for all the side effects, and being all girls, they helped cope with daddy's side effects by doing more of what they do with daddy.. Ignore him!

The little one says "Daddy, you are sleepy because you ate Manduru?". She doesn't know how to say marundhu(Tamizh for medicine), and instead says Manduru.

The girls love to pass daddy in the van as he is on his bike and scream "come on daddy, catch up" or "faster daddy, faster".

All said and done, we are all thrilled. The wheezing is gone and the Diamondback Insight simply rocks!!



Party wear

We went to a company party. We were supposed to dress "business casual".. so while dad got the entire family all dressed up based on the "business" word, the rest of the folk at the party were focussed on the "casual"!

Dad did move a few eyes when he walked in wearing his tuxedo. It was quite a feat, trying to fit into an outfit after six years. Came home and had stomach cramps. After all, you cannot hold your tummy in pants a full two inches smaller than your current waist size, that too for two full hours. By the time we put on seat belts in the van on our way back, the pant buttons were off!

We did have a great photo shoot though!

My darlings were thrilled to dress up as usual!!

The tux episode has sparked a renewed interest to actually do some physical exercise, eat more salad and less ghee fried jeera rice, buttered up tortillas, etc. and basically fit into that tux without the extra effort by end of this year!

Hmmm... only time will tell!


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