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Entries in backyard (22)


Black and white - Photoblog

Jr. managed to get into the same dress from two years ago. The little one, not so successful.. found a sepia tone dress instead..

Previous B&W photos here..



Backyard, camera, action

They fought dearly for something..

The squirrel won!

The evening Chai was with some outdoor entertaining by the little friends.

A lot of serious and frivolous posts, all incomplete, as the mind wanders aimlessly..

Until something brings me out of this trance...



Backyard Playtime.. Photoblog

Today was spent in napping, biking with kids (yes, Daddy got back on the bicycle for the 2nd time since the accident... and went on the main road as well!), taking pictures of the flowers, girls, squirrels, and birds in what was a great spring day.

The jasmines are in full bloom and the whole backyard smells divine!

Made some good chai and settled in the concrete steps..

This look on the little one's face is what we refer to as the "theesa kalai".. she must have done something she wasn't supposed to do and that explains that look.. She was moving too fast and I had the camera in manual.

The girls surprise me more than the birds and squirrels...

Need more of these quiet afternoons to lift up spirits...



Sky background

Was taking a break just lying down on the concrete after taking pictures of things in the backyard. Jr. and the little one came up to me and said "get up. Let's ride the cycle"

In an attempt to make her go away from me for a second, took the camera that was already in my hand and flashed a picture..

The kids actually made a game of it.. they would lean over me and request a picture be taken.

and my ace model posed for a photo after forcing me to sit up...(reference portrait here)

Works out rather well with the sky as a natural background, no?




Fun in my back yard (after NIMBY, YIMBY,...), with my new love the Digital Rebel. I thought the wifey was over reacting when she was worried that I might elope with the EOS 400. Well, she may have some reason for concern there. The only way I could diffuse the situation was to make it a threesome with me the wife and the Rebel!

What ? You actually expect me to show you how the wife took to the EOS (taking pictures) or how the EOS took to the wife (she sees my wife in a whole different way, I tell you) ? Naughty naughty! Even I am not allowed to go back and see those pictures. Forget you!

All I CAN show you, is other pictures with the Rebel, all taken over this weekend.

The bird nests were manual focus. Wish that I had the bird on the tree on manual focus also. I am finding that it is very difficult to manual focus when the zoom is out at 200 mm.. difficult, not impossible.

Jr. was a tease as usual, making it difficult for me to take portraits. The little one has started smiling again, now that grandma is back!

A hummingbird and butterfly have been teasing me all afternoon. Will post pictures if I ever succeed in catching either one.
